Tila Quilt Stitch Tutorial



  • Tila Quilt Stitch Bracelet
This tutorial from The Potomac Bead Company teaches you how to make a tila quilt stitch bracelet. This pattern is based upon right angle weave, and uses your choice of Miyuki Tila beads, which are 5.5mm squares with two holes running through the bead. Tila beads are made in Japan, although we mistakenly had mentioned the Czech Republic in the video.

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Materials Used To make The  Project

Quick Project Steps

Prepare your materials and thread your needle with about two feet of beading thread.
Start with a stop bead to secure your work.
Pick up four 11/0 seed beads, create a small circle (pie cut), and then add a Tila bead followed by four more 11/0 seed beads. Repeat to form the first row.
Embellish by adding 11/0 seed beads between the Tila beads.
Begin the second row by adding Tila beads and connecting them with 11/0 seed beads.
Continue to add rows and embellish as demonstrated in the video, maintaining tension for a neat finish.
Finish the bracelet by adding a clasp of your choice, using the method shown or another preferred method.

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