Wire Rings Tutorial



  • How to Make Wire Rings
The tutorial from The Potomac Bead Company shows you how to make wire rings using your choice of bead and wire (brass, silver, gold, copper etc.). Wire rings require a mandrel for sizing, but are quick and easy to make!

Materials Used To make The  Project

Quick Project Steps

Gather materials: 24 gauge wire, heavier gauge wire, cones or bead caps, and a closure.
Begin the Viking Knit on a dowel rod or Lazy Daisy tool, creating a looped start.
Perform the Viking Knit stitch by weaving the wire through loops to form a chain.
Add a new wire piece as needed to extend the knit. Finish the knit, gather it with heavier gauge wire, and prepare for drawing.
Use a draw plate to even out and refine the knit.
Attach cones or bead caps and a closure to finish the piece.

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