SuperDuo Heart Pendant Tutorial



  • Make a SuperDuo Heart Pendant (Beadweaving 700)
This video tutorial from PotomacBeads shows you how to make a woven heart pendant using Czech two-hole SuperDuo beads and Miyuki seed beads. Enjoy making this heart!

Materials Used To make The  Project

Quick Project Steps

Gather your materials, including SuperDuo beads, Miyuki seed beads (11/0, 15/0, 8/0), 4mm crystals, thread, and needle.
Start by threading a 4mm crystal and a 11/0 seed bead, leaving a tail for finishing.
Begin the beadwork by adding SuperDuo beads alternated with 11/0 seed beads, followed by segments of 8/0 seed beads.
Mirror the pattern on the other side to form the heart's symmetrical shape.
Connect the beadwork to form the heart, then secure and tighten the structure by weaving through the beads again.
Finish by attaching a jump ring or split ring for wearing.

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