Be Blessed Component Tutorial



  • Be Blessed Component - DIY Jewelry Making Tutorial by PotomacBeads
Another Project by Dena Johnson, the Be Blessed Component. This design used Zoliduo beads as well as Chatons and SuperDuo beads. Use this component to make a pair of earrings, pendant or standout ring!
Project Length/Size: 7/8" to 1"
Technique Learned: Ladder stitch, Bezel ss39

Materials Used To make The  Project

Quick Project Steps

In this PotomacBeads tutorial, learn how to bezel a chaton and embellish around it to create this beautiful Be Blessed Component.
Put 8 delicas onto about an arm’s span length of thread. Go back through a couple beads to make a circle. Pick up a delica and go back down the bead the thread is coming out of. Go back up through the current bead and add another delica to it. Use a ladder stitch to add one bead at a time until the prong is 5 beads long.
Add a wire guard if you will be using the component as a pendant or earrings. Knot the thread through a bridge thread, pull tight and move the thread a few beads away and knot again. Burn the thread down flush with the project.
The Be Blessed Component is a flexible, versatile design that’s easy to adapt to suit your style. Find all the supplies you need to to create this and more beautiful jewelry at PotomacBeads.
Project Length/Size: 7/8" to 1"
Technique Learned: Ladder stitch, bezel ss39

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