Rose Bouquet Necklace Tutorial



  • Rose Bouquet Necklace - DIY Jewelry Making Tutorial by PotomacBeads
Enjoy creating a bouquet of roses designed by Sheryl Steele featuring Potomac crystal rivoli and pearls. Woven together with seed beads, these small floral creations are sewn together with Miyuki seed beads in size 11 and 15. Watch this Rose Bouquet Necklace tutorial to see the step-by-step instructions to make this delicate design.

Materials Used To make The  Project

Quick Project Steps

Start with a loop of 6 pearls and an 11/0 seed bead, tying a knot to form a circle. Sew through the next pearl and begin creating flower petals, using a combination of 15/0 and 11/0 seed beads. Create a netting to hold the rivoli, using a pattern of adding three seed beads and sewing through middle beads. Reinforce the thread and make loops around the sides, attaching the piece to a chain. Add a clasp to finish the necklace.

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