Bright as a Button Earrings Tutorial



  • Bright as a Button Earrings - DIY Jewelry Making Tutorial by PotomacBeads
Tune in for a new way to use table-cut buttons! Grab some IrisDuo beads, Miyuki size 8/0, 11/0, and 15/0 seed beads, Potomac Crystal Rounds 4mm, and some jump rings. Stitch up a pair for all your friends! Technique learned: Beadweaving

Materials Used To make The  Project

Quick Project Steps

In this PotomacBeads tutorial you will learn how to use some bead weaving techniques to create elegant beaded earrings. The SuperDuo Windmill Earrings are a suitable project for most beading skill levels. 1. Put a size 11 or 12 needles onto about 4 feet of Wildfire beading thread. Pick up 6 SuperDuo beads and tie them into a loop. Sew through a couple SuperDuos to bring the thread away from the knot. Pick up a Czech round bead and bring the thread through the SuperDuo that is on the opposite side of the loop. This will set the bead on top of the loop. Step up to the second hole of the SuperDuo. 2. Watch the SuperDuo Windmill Earrings tutorial to follow along with Allie as she guides you step-by-step through the process of creating Sheryl Steele’s beaded earring pattern and shares ideas that you can use to make your own version of these DIY earrings. 3. Bring the needle and thread back up to the top of the earring. Add a wire guard. Reinforce. Tie the thread ends together in the center of the project and burn the loose edges. Put on an ear wire. You can use the SuperDuo Windmill Earrings design as inspiration to create your own version. There are many different variations of beads you can use with this pattern. Project length: 1 3/4"

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