Lily of the Valley Earrings Tutorial



  • Lily of the Valley Earrings - DIY Jewelry Making Tutorial by PotomacBeads
As bulbs begin to bloom, trees show signs of budding, and birds start chirping, you are certainly on the lookout for a quick Spring project. Tereza's ideas are in full bloom as she brings to you her Lily of the Valley Earrings featuring IrisDuo Beads, StormDuo Beads, and some seed beads. These varied shaped beads and herringbone stitch work together to create the perfect bell-shaped look reminiscent of the well-known flower that inspired this beadweaving project!

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Materials Used To make The  Project

Designer's Material List

The designer's suggested colors & materials:
  • StormDuo Beads - Etched Crystal Vitrail, 20 Pieces
  • IrisDuo Beads - Crystal Labrador Full, 10 Pieces
  • Miyuki Seed Beads 11/0 - Crystal Labrador Full, ~1 Gram
  • Miyuki Seed Beads 15/0 - Crystal Vitrail, ~2 Grams
  • Miyuki Drops - Crystal Vitrail Matte, 12 Pieces
  • Silver Plated Eye pin, 2 Pieces
  • Eawires, 1 Pair
  • Quick Project Steps

    Gather up the StormDuos, IrisDuos, Miyuki seed beads, and drops needed. You will use about an arm span long piece of thread and a size 10 needle. Put on five 11/0s and knot the beads into a circle leaving a short tail. Thread through the first bead next to the knot and add one 11/0 and move to the next bead. Keep adding on like this around the circle. Step up through the first bead and get ready to switch to the Herringbone stitch.
    Pick up two 15/0s and go to the next silver bead. Keep adding two at a time and stitch your way around the circle. Keep tension on the thread for the next row of beads to pull the beads into the circle. Continue around the circle. Continue building up with the Herringbone stitch.
    Watch the Lily of the Valley Earrings tutorial with Tereza to see how to add the StormDuos and IrisDuos. Slip the eye pin through the center of the earring to attach your earwire to.
    Looking for a quick and fun project to get you ready for spring? These Lily of the Valley Earrings from PotomacBeads are perfect! The unique bell shape looks amazing, and they're so easy to make. You'll love the way they look, and they make a great gift for someone special (or for yourself!).

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