Flowers & Pebbles Tutorial



  • Flowers & Pebbles Bracelet (tutorial)
This video tutorial from The Potomac Bead Company teaches you how to make Johanna Lilja's "Flowers & Pebbles" bracelet, which won 12th place in the 2016 Potomac Bead Company design challenge. Find a list of supplies in the description below.

Materials Used To make The  Project

Quick Project Steps

Prepare your materials and thread your needle with 6-8 feet of beading thread.
Start with a chain of super duos and 11/0 seed beads to form the first component.
Add 15/0 seed beads around the edges of the super duos.
Incorporate round duo beads, alternating with 11/0 seed beads, expanding the component.
Secure a disc duo bead in the center of the component.
Repeat steps to create additional components.
Connect components using super duo beads.
Add a clasp using a cut button and seed beads for the closure.
Secure thread ends with knots, glue, and/or a thread burner.

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