Perfect Imperfections 2 Bracelet Tutorial



  • Perfect Imperfections 2 Bracelet
This video teaches you how to make Zina's "Perfect Imperfections" bracelet design using glass pearls and SuperDuos.

Materials Used To make The  Project

Quick Project Steps

Gather all materials and prepare two needles with wildfire thread.
Begin with eight seed beads to form the starting loop, adding one bead to criss-cross.
Follow by adding four-millimeter beads and 11/0 seed beads as per the tutorial to form the bracelet's body.
Integrate SuperDuos into the design, creating a unique texture and pattern.
Complete the body of the bracelet, ensuring you've added all 44 four-millimeter beads.
Construct the loop on the opposite end for the clasp.
Embellish the bracelet with six-millimeter beads atop the SuperDuos for a distinguished appearance.
Finalize the bracelet by attaching the clasp and optional lengthening chain, ensuring secure closures.

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