Skipping Stones Halo Bracelet Tutorial



  • Skipping Stones Halo Bracelet - DIY Jewelry Making Tutorial by PotomacBeads
Remember those childhood carefree day's laying by the water skipping stones? Re-live them while making this Skipping Stones Halo Bracelet featuring the NEW Halos for IrisDuo Beads! What color will you make your stones?

Materials Used To make The  Project

Quick Project Steps

Prepare Your Materials: Thread two size 10 needles with size 8 Dragon thread, and lay out your clasp. Attach the Clasp: Secure the clasp using the thread and add your first Iris Duo bead. Add the Beads: Follow the pattern to add Iris Duo beads with and without Halos, ensuring to alternate as instructed to create the bracelet's unique design. Reinforce and Finish: After adding all beads, reinforce the clasp, tie off thread ends, and attach the cabochon to the clasp for a polished look.

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