Fun Day Wrap Bracelet Tutorial



  • Fun Day Wrap Bracelet - DIY Jewelry Making Tutorial by PotomacBeads
Create this fun multi wrap bracelet featuring Halo beads for IrisDuos, seed beads, and half tila beads. Join Marissa as she demonstrates how to create this easy DIY bracelet.

Materials Used To make The  Project

Quick Project Steps

Starting with Beads and Thread: Use a size 10 needle with gray Dragon thread (about 3.5 feet). Begin by picking up a half Tila bead and an 11/0 seed bead. Adding the Halo Bead and Iris Duo: Add four more 11/0 seed beads, an Iris Duo with a Halo, then four more 11/0 seed beads. Go through a Tila bead, adding an 11/0 seed bead, and pass back through the Tila bead. Creating the Bracelet's Pattern: Continue adding seed beads, Tila beads, and Iris Duos in sequence. Ensure all beads are facing the correct direction and are neatly aligned. Finishing the Bracelet: Once reaching the desired length, create a loop with seed beads for closure. Reinforce the loop by passing through the beads multiple times. Secure the end with a knot and trim the excess thread.

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