Single Helix Pattern Tutorial



  • Beadweaving 776 - Single Helix Pattern
This video tutorial from The Potomac Bead Company teaches you how to make a fun, quick and easy "Single Helix Pattern" bracelet using round beads and seed beads of your choice!

Materials Used To make The  Project

Quick Project Steps

Gather all materials and prepare your work surface.
Start by attaching the cut button clasp with a few seed beads for decoration.
Add an 11/0 seed bead, then seven more, and proceed by adding a 15/0 seed bead, a 6mm round bead, and another 15/0 before looping back through the seven 11/0 seed beads.
Continue the pattern by adding sets of seven 11/0 beads and single 6mm beads, separated by 15/0s, creating a zigzag or helix pattern.
Once the desired length is reached, create a loop of 15/0 seed beads to secure the cut button clasp.
Finish the ends, secure the thread with knots, apply glue if desired, and trim excess thread.

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