Sea Box Bracelet Tutorial



  • Sea Box Bracelet - DIY Jewelry Making Tutorial by PotomacBeads
Create this simple Sea Box Bracelet using the materials in your May Best Bead Box Treasure Edition or go through your beading supplies and find alternative 2mm pearls, 4mm bicone crystals, and 6mm gemstones to create this elegant design. The pattern in this design is easily adaptable to a variety of bead sizes and can be made into a bracelet, necklace or matching earrings.

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Materials Used To make The  Project

Quick Project Steps

Begin with threading a needle with DragonThread and add a stop bead. String four 8mm beads (or your chosen size) with an 8/0 seed bead after each, forming a box shape. Add three 2mm pearls between the larger beads, connecting them with the right-angle weave technique. Continue the pattern, alternating between the main beads and connecting them with pearls and 8/0 seed beads. Once the desired length is reached, remove the stop bead and attach your choice of clasp. Finish by securing the thread ends with a burner.

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