Watch Making Tutorial



  • Watch Making Instructions
This tutorial from The Potomac Bead Company demonstrates how to make a watch, using your choice of watch face and beads. This is a very quick and easy class, and you can easily create inexpensive watches to match nearly anything. Enjoy!

Materials Used To make The  Project

Quick Project Steps

If your watch face has D-rings and you wish to make a non-interchangeable band, remove the D-rings using flat nose pliers.
Measure and cut beading wire to double your wrist length plus four inches.
Thread the wire through the watch face, add 11/0 seed beads beside the watch face to hide the wire.
Choose your beads and start beading over both wires for added strength, beginning with your preferred beads.
Once beading is complete, add a crimp tube and one side of the toggle clasp, thread the wire back through the crimp tube (and a few beads if possible), then crimp securely and trim excess wire.
Repeat the process for the other side of the watch band, ensuring it's the correct size before finishing with the crimp tube and the other side of the toggle clasp.

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