Snowman Chain Necklace Tutorial



  • Snowman Chain Necklace- DIY Jewelry Making Tutorial by PotomacBeads
This video tutorial from PotomacBeads teaches you how to make our "Snowman Chain Necklace," using frosted crystal beads, Italian pure silver plated chain, and several other Czech glass items to complete the snowman ensemble. Find links for supplies below.

Materials Used To make The  Project

Quick Project Steps

Prepare Materials: Gather all beads, wire, chain, and tools.
Create the Snowman's Body: String a 12mm bead, a rhinestone spacer, and an 8mm bead on a wire.
Add the Hat: Attach an O bead and a 3mm cube bead on top.
Form Loops: Use round nose pliers to create loops on either end of the wire for attachment.
Assemble Necklace: Cut the chain into sections and attach snowmen pendants evenly across the length.
Add Decorative Elements: Optionally, use a Sharpie or paint for eyes and buttons.

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