Large Hole Pearl Knotted Bracelet Tutorial



In this video from The Potomac Bead Company, Allie teaches you how to make bracelets using large hole pearls. Most fresh water pearls have very small pearls, but some freshwater pearls are created with much larger holes to allow for more variable designs. Find a list of supplies in the description below.

Materials Used To make The  Project

Quick Project Steps

Prepare Materials: Cut Chinese knotting cord into two 48-inch pieces. Apply a dab of glue to cord ends to prevent fraying.
Start Knotting: Tie an overhand knot near one end of the cords to secure the lobster clasp.
Adding Pearls: Thread pearls onto the cord, using four strands through each pearl.
Macramé Knotting: Between pearls, use macramé knotting for decoration and to secure the pearls in place.
Finishing the Bracelet: Create a loop at the other end for the clasp to attach. Secure with knots and trim excess cord.
Optional Decorations: Add tassels or other decorative elements as desired.

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