Kumihimo Braiding Tutorial



Tutorial from The Potomac Bead Company demonstrating how to make kumihimo projects. This project uses Rattail thread and uses a Kumihimo disc.

Materials Used To make The  Project

Quick Project Steps

Prepare Your Materials: Cut four pieces of Rattail thread and tie them into a top knot to create a loop.
Set Up the Disc: Place the loop through the hole in the center of the Kumihimo disc. Arrange two strands on either side of the dot markers on the disc.
Start Braiding: Follow the braiding pattern by moving the bottom left string to the top left, then the top right string to the bottom right. Rotate the disc and repeat.
Maintain Consistency: Ensure you rotate the disc in the same direction each time to avoid changing the direction of the braid.
Use Bobbins: If the threads tangle, consider using bobbins to keep them organized.
Finishing the Braid: Continue braiding until you reach the desired length. Use weights to maintain tension if needed.

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