Button KNotted Necklace Tutorial



  • Button Knotted Necklace - DIY Jewelry Making Tutorial by PotomacBeads
Have some vintage beads laying around the house? How about some beads remaining from a previous project? This necklace uses simple knotting and stringing techniques to make a multi-strand boho style necklace. So use up those beads, or pick up new supplies, and design your own. Happy Beading!

Materials Used To make The  Project

Quick Project Steps

Prepare Your Cording: Cut 13 feet of waxed linen cording into two equal lengths and fold them to create four strands.
Attach the Clasp: Securely tie the cording onto a silver-plated oval clip clasp using a loop method.
Begin Beading: Start by tying an overhand knot six inches from the clasp to designate the beginning of your beadwork.
Add Spacers and Buttons: Alternate between adding antique silver irregular spacers and Potomac table cut buttons, securing each with a knot.
Continue Beading: Work each strand one at a time, adding beads and buttons to your liking, ensuring a balanced design.
Final Knotting: Tie off the ends neatly and attach them to the other side of the clasp to complete your necklace.

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