Silk Tassel Necklace Tutorial



This video tutorial from Allie Buchman, Potomac Bead Company co-founder, teaches you how to make this easy silk tassel necklace using silk cording and your choice of beads! Find links for supplies below by clikcing "show more."

Materials Used To make The  Project

Quick Project Steps

Prepare the Silk: Stretch the silk thread to remove any bends and pre-stretch it to avoid later stretching.
Create the Tassel: Use the silk thread to form a tassel, securing it with knots and attaching a bullet cap for decoration.
Assemble the Necklace: Start the necklace by attaching the tassel and then add beads and spacers according to your design, securing them with knots.
Finish the Necklace: Complete the necklace by adding a clasp and ensuring all components are securely attached. Trim the tassel to your desired length.

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