Tree of Life Pendant Tutorial



This tutorial from The Potomac Bead Company shows you how to make a tree of life pendant using your choice of 20 and 24 gauge wire, and the small beads of your choice. Enjoy! Our Website:

Materials Used To make The  Project

Quick Project Steps

Prepare the Wire Base: Cut a 6-8 inch length of 20 gauge wire.
Straighten and form a bail and circle for the base.
Form the Circle Base: Use tools or fingers to shape the wire into a circle. Secure ends around the bail.
Create Tree Trunk: Cut several lengths of 24 gauge wire for branches. Twist in the middle to form a trunk.
Arrange Branches: Twist smaller sections to form branches. Begin adding beads to branches.
Secure Branches: Wrap the ends of branches around the base circle tightly.
Final Adjustments: Trim excess wire and adjust beads/branches as needed. Your Tree of Life pendant is complete!

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