SuperDuo Snakeskin Bracelet Tutorial



  • SuperDuo Snakeskin Bracelet
This tutorial from The Potomac Bead Company shows you how to make a tubular SuperDuo snakeskin bracelet using peyote stitch. This is the second of two methods of making the bracelet. In the other (see the other video), you would use the traditional tubular peyote method. For this, you use standard peyote stitch, then seem the edges together. This method shows less thread, and direction that the superduo beads face.

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Materials Used To make The  Project

Quick Project Steps

Start by threading an even number of SuperDuo beads (about 7 inches long) for the bracelet's length.
Use a traditional peyote method, adding 11/0 seed beads at the ends for a clean finish.
Continue adding rows to build the width, ensuring an odd count for proper closure.
Round out the bracelet by sewing up the empty holes of the SuperDuos on the opposite side.
Finish by adding clasps or a button for closure, sewing through seed beads for attachment.

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