Regal Pearl Bracelet Tutorial



  • Regal Pearl Bracelet- DIY Jewelry Making Tutorial by PotomacBeads
This video tutorial from PotomacBeads teaches you how to make our new "Regal Pearl Bracelet," which uses faceted round beads, pearls (or other round beads), and Miyuki seed beads.

Materials Used To make The  Project

Quick Project Steps

Prepare about four feet of Wildfire thread, attaching a needle to each end.
Start with the cup button, adding seed beads and a Czech glass bead on each side for decoration.
Begin the bracelet body by alternating between Czech glass beads and pearls, using seed beads as spacers.
Employ a right angle weave stitch, creating loops of four pearls, separated by single Czech glass beads.
For variation, alternate between sections with additional Czech glass beads and sections without, creating an elegant pattern.
Finish the bracelet with a loop of seed beads that fits over the cup button, securing with a dab of glue.

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