Sophisticated Daisy Bracelet Tutorial



  • Sophisticated Daisy Chain Bracelet - DIY Jewelry Making Tutorial by PotomacBeads
Take your beading to a new level with the Sophisticated Daisy Chain Bracelet. Join Allie as she shows you how to transform a traditional design you may have learned as a child into one that is more complex. She weaves together 4mm Czech Pearls and Toho Seed Beads along a chain for the perfect blend of elegance and innocence.

Materials Used To make The  Project

Quick Project Steps

Prepare Your Materials: Gather all materials listed above. Cut approximately 5 feet of beading thread, threading it through a size 10 needle, leaving a tail for adding the clasp later.
Start with Right Angle Weave: Begin the bracelet with a section of right angle weave using 8/0 and 11/0 seed beads.
Add the Pearls: Introduce the 4mm Czech Pearls into the design, positioning them with 8/0 seed beads to form the base of the daisy pattern.
Form the Daisy Chain: Use 11/0 seed beads to create the petals around each pearl, following Allie's technique for a sophisticated look.
Finish the Bracelet: Conclude with a section of right angle weave, attach the clasp, and if desired, add a decorative charm.
Final Adjustments: Ensure all knots are secure and trim any excess thread.

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