Simple Knot Bracelet Tutorial



  • Simple Knot Bracelet - Kid's DIY Jewelry Making Tutorial by PotomacBeads
Allie uses Wax Linen Cord, Beads of your choice, and a Cup Button to create this Simple Knot Bracelet. This technique is super simple and is a great way to practice fine motor skills in repeating knots. This is a fun kid's project to make with the Boredom Bustin's Beads Kid's Kit! Gather your materials and come create with us!

Materials Used To make The  Project

Quick Project Steps

Gather waxed linen cord, beads, a cup button, and scissors.
Measure and cut the waxed linen cord to four times the length of your bead box or desired length.
Create a loop at one end and attach the cup button at the center.
Secure the button with a basic knot, ensuring equal lengths of cord on both sides.
Start adding beads to one side of the cord, alternating sides if desired, and tie knots after each bead to secure.
Continue adding beads and knots until the bracelet reaches the desired length.
Finish with an overhand knot and create a loop large enough for the button to fit through, securing the bracelet.

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