Victorian Elegance Bracelet Tutorial



  • Victorian Elegance Bracelet Tutorial - DIY Jewelry Making Tutorial by PotomacBeads
DiscDuo beads shine in combination with Potomac Crystal Bicone beads and seed beads in this charming simple bracelet tutorial bu Dena Johnson. The Victorian Elegance Bracelet is a great beginner bead weaving project to create a bracelet with needle and thread. Dena Johnson, a Potomacbead community member guides you through this step by step bracelet making video.

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Materials Used To make The  Project

Quick Project Steps

Start with an arm's length of thread and a stop bead. Use DiscDuo beads and two colors of Miyuki 11/0 beads to form the base of the bracelet. Add five beads (two primary color 11/0s, one secondary, and two more primary) to each side of the DiscDuo beads. Secure the beads by passing through them multiple times. Attach an 8/0 bead at the end of the bracelet for clasp attachment. Add Potomac Crystal Bicone beads between the DiscDuo beads using a combination of 11/0, 15/0 beads, and a crystal. Finish the bracelet by adding a clasp using jump rings connected to the 8/0 beads. Go through all the beads again for added stability and tie off the thread.

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