Modern Mayhem Bracelet Tutorial



  • Modern Mayhem Bracelet - DIY Jewelry Making Tutorial by PotomacBeads
Make order out of mayhem in today's YouTube tutorial right angle weave DIY bracelet. Use a combination of crystal, seed beads, bugle beads and so much more to create this elegant Modern Mayhem bracelet featuring the Potomax Infinite Crystal Oval Clasp. Technique learned: Right Angle Weave

Materials Used To make The  Project

Quick Project Steps

Use your favorite beads to create this Modern Mayhem bracelet, consisting of right angle weave with some embellishment. Put a stop bead onto about 5 feet of size 8 Dragonthread. Pick up 8 seed beads and sew back through the first 6 beads. Create another box by adding 6 more seed beads and sew into the top of the two beads the thread is coming out of. Go back through the bottom 2 beads, add 6 more beads to create another box. Watch the Modern Mayhem bracelet tutorial to follow along with Allie’s step-by-step directions to create a band about 7 inches long. Attach a Potomax infinite oval clasp, being careful to make sure the two sides of the clasp are facing in the right direction. Glue a long oval crystal into the clasp. This fun patchwork looking Modern Mayhem bracelet is a great way to get your creative juices flowing. Have fun making up patterns or adding beads at random. The finished product will be a beautiful bracelet that you’ll enjoy showing off. Technique learned: Right Angle Weave

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